We would like to thank the following reviewers for sharing their time and expertise: Genet Berhane, Acumen Fund; danah boyd, Microsoft Research; Kirsten Foot, University of Washington; Erin Kamler, USC Annenberg; Jack Lerner, USC Gould School of Law; Anthony Talbott, University of Dayton; Matali Thakor, MIT; Yasmin Vafa, Rights4Girls; and John Vanek, retired lieutenant, San Jose Police Department.
Our dedicated project team at the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy includes Sarah Ledesma, Megan O’Neil, and Bridgette Bugay. Stefanie Demetriades was instrumental in drafting sections of the report. Isaac Rottman, Susan Goelz, and the rest of the CCLP team provided key assistance to the project. Thanks also to the CCLP Board and Senior Fellows, especially Clothilde Hewlett and Jeremy Curtin, for their indispensable guidance and support. Geoffrey Cowan and Geoffrey Baum provided the leadership for this project.
A number of individuals and groups also provided insights for this research including Eduard Hovy and Andrew Philpot at USC Information Sciences Institute, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, USC Viterbi School of Engineering, USC Office of Research, Trevor Steele and Jeff Monford, Rane Johnson at Microsoft Research, Samantha Doerr and the team at Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit, Ernie Allen at the International Center on Missing and Exploited Children, the U.S. Department of State, Office of the California Attorney General, the LA Metro Task Force on Human Trafficking, the White House Office on Women and Girls, Office of the U.S. Chief Technology Officer, Google, and Palantir Technologies.
We would also like to thank the law enforcement officers and agents who agreed to be interviewed for this report. Thanks to our photographer Jeff Antebi and to the Los Angeles Police Department for extending their hospitality to him during his field observations.
The content of this report represents the research conducted by the authors and does not necessarily reflect the perspectives of any individual or group acknowledged above.